Proclaiming Christ in the Roanoke Valley since 1851
What is the GO Project?
An approach to Church and congregational revitalization and development based on THE GREAT COMMISSION. A reset of Church culture built on a foundation of ministering THROUGH rather than TO the congregation. It involves a critical paradigm shift to our thinking focused on NOT God’s plan for my life BUT my life for God’s plan and NOT God’s vision for our church BUT our church for God’s vision.
Why FEPC Roanoke and Why Now?
It is said that over 80% of Protestant American churches are in a stage of plateau or decline. These churches are often characterized by stagnant or declining membership, stagnant or declining programming and community outreach and a reduced community presence.
The Session recognizes some of the very same characteristics mentioned above in our Church and a need for revitalization based on the demographics of our own membership. It will allow our congregation to evaluate where we have been, where we are now and WHERE WE WOULD LIKE TO GO or, more accurately, to discern God’s will as to where he would like us to GO.
The objective is to discern a vision for our future, develop a plan and to implement that plan in our living out THE GREAT COMMISSION.
What and Who Does the Project Involve?
The Project is a cooperative effort of the entire congregation supported by the expertise of GO Center professionals previously involved in other congregational revitalization efforts. From a congregational perspective it is structured around a process oriented/oversight Leadership Team, a visioning and implementation focused Vision Team and both teams supported by Prayer Teams of other congregation members. There is a place for everyone to be involved.
The Project is expected to take 18-24 months and progresses through a variety of markers/stages. The first two stages are Discovery and Motivation designed to assess where the CHURCH is presently and where might discernment lead us to go. Stages 3 and 4 involve training and implementation specific to individuals, various team members and the congregation. The final stage is evaluation and reassessment. The stage is designed to gauge progress and results toward original goals and to serve as the launching point for future efforts. Designed and implemented properly the process goal is an ongoing upward spiral for constant church and congregational revitalization and growth.
For more in-depth information, please use this link to download a PDF of the The GO Project Prospectus. You can use this link to download manual 1 and this link to download manual 2.