Proclaiming Christ in the Roanoke Valley since 1851

"The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field; and this is smaller than all other seeds, but when it is full grown, it is larger than the garden plants and becomes a tree..."
Matthew 13:31-32
Youth Christian Education
The purpose of Youth Christian Education is to invite each young person to know Christ personally, encourage each to connect with other believers, challenge each to grow in his or her faith, to honor God through their lifestyle and to serve God by inviting others to know him.
Bible Studies
Bojangles Beginnings is a before-school Bible study for youth. Currently, Tuesday mornings, youth from the north side of town gather at the Bojangles on Peter’s Creek road at 7:00 am for a beginning of the day Bible study.
Sunday School Class
Son-day Morning is our version of Sunday school. The youth from grades 6 – 12 meet in the youth room (downstairs from the Ramp Room) for a fun interactive discussion and study of God’s word. This is done through PowerPoint presentations, adult facilitated table group discussions, and whole class involvement.
Youth Group
The youth, 6th – 12th grade, meet on Wednesday evenings for youth group. This is a great time to get to know each other while being challenged, through the scriptures, to grow and develop as disciples of Jesus Christ. If you have any questions, please contact Pete Guillard.
Youth Program
In keeping with our stated purpose, we present our youth with many opportunities to grow and be challenged in their faith. In addition to the regular programming of Sunday’s and Wednesday’s the following are incorporated throughout the year.
Mission trips
High school and adult
Local service projects
CROP Hunger Walk
Food drives – Trick-or-Treat-so-Others-can-Eat
Soup-er Bowl of Caring
Ronald McDonald House
Presbyterian Community Center
Weekend retreats
Fun activities
Amusement parks
Hockey games
Baseball games
Thunder Valley
Forms and Flyers
Current medical form