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Evangelical Presbyterian Church.  Our partner denomination.


Renewing Your Mind.  Teaching ministry of Ligonier and R.C Sproul.


Ligonier Ministries.  Reformed resources to help people grow in their knowledge of God and his holiness. 


Monergism., a free directory of theology, whose main goal is to promote salvation by Christ ALONE.


White Horse Inn.   "White Horse Inn is a multimedia catalyst for reformation. White Horse Inn is a conversation for reformation. C. S. Lewis famously remarked that "mere Christianity" is like a hallway. In this hallway, real conversations between Christians of different convictions can begin and develop over time as we emerge from these various rooms to speak of Christ and his gospel to one another. For twenty years, White Horse Inn has hosted this conversation both on the radio (White Horse Inn) and in print (Modern Reformation) in the spirit of that great hallway of 'mere Christianity,' bringing the rich resources of the Reformation to bear on American evangelicalism."


Stand to Reason. Contemporary Christian apologist Greg Koukl's ministry focuses on equipping Christians to effectively defend our faith in the world today by training Christians to think more clearly about their faith and to make an even-handed, incisive, yet gracious defense for classical Christianity and classical Christian values in the public square.


World Magazine.  News from a Christian perspective. Facts-Based News for Christians | WORLD (


Gospel Coalition.  "The Gospel Coalition exists to prepare the next generation for gospel-centered ministry. We are a group of (mostly) pastors and churches in the Reformed heritage who delight in the truth and power of the gospel, and who want the gospel of Christ crucified and resurrected to lie at the center of all we cherish, preach, and teach. In a time of endless fragmentation, it is easy to sound prophetic from the margins, but one of the most urgent needs of any generation is to be prophetic from the center—from what the Bible makes the center. We want to be robustly biblical, richly theological, constantly elevating what God himself in his own Word makes central."


How to Teach the Bible.  Excellent audio series with insights from today's best Bible teachers.


9MarksA website dedicated to building healthy churches. Lots of helpful  and thought-provoking resources to do just that.


Desiring God. Popular website with a variety of articles, videos, Bible studies, book reviews, and commentary on a variety of topics from todays leading Christian writers and leaders. With over 10,000 resources, you will find what you are looking for.


Westminster Bookstore.  A ministry of Wesminster Theological Seminary in Philadephia, PA providing an excellent on-line source for Chrisitian books and media.  For the student of our faith who wants to dig deeper, this is a great place to start.


Christian Classics Ethereal Library.  The mission of the Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL) is to build up the church by making classic Christian literature widely available and promoting its use for edification and study by interested Christians, seekers and scholars. The CCEL accomplishes this by selecting, collecting, distributing, and promoting valuable literature through the World Wide Web and other media. Online training for disciples, elders, and pastors.



Christian Colleges and Seminaries


Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, GA.


Grove City College, Grove City, PA


Covenant Seminary, St. Louis, MO 


Reformed Seminary, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, New York City, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington D.C.,  Global.


Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia, PA



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